Official E3 2010 Topic

awwww hell. where can i see pics/footage of mario kart/animal crossing 3ds? i'll assume that the pics posted of paper mario are all we have of that, currently.

and any video of metroid? wondering what is making people even more excited for that game.

is the round thing above the 3ds d-pad the 3d slider? was kind of hoping it was actually an analog stick somehow...hah

mario teams up with a chain chomp and possibly a WIGGLER now? sweet.


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awwww hell. where can i see pics/footage of mario kart/animal crossing 3ds? i'll assume that the pics posted of paper mario are all we have of that, currently.

and any video of metroid? wondering what is making people even more excited for that game.

is the round thing above the 3ds d-pad the 3d slider? was kind of hoping it was actually an analog stick somehow...hah


Smogon's fantastical fun-guy.
I had no idea Nintendo was sitting on so many incredible surprises for us at E3 this year... I was blown away, I'm incredibly excited, and nearly every game announcement they released made me say to myself "...I NEED this game!!!"

Hats off to you, Nintendo. 3DS with Star Fox 64, Kid Icarus, Animal Crossing, and a little game named Ocarina of Time... GoldenEye 007, Metroid Other M, and Zelda Skyward Sword for Wii... what a lineup.
is it just me or does it seem like 3ds is getting handheld equivalent of virtual console? that list of 3ds games has starfox 64, and the screenshot a couple of posts above also??

if the games on the list arent virtual console kind of things, then holy shit paper mario. also not sure whether were supposed to expect new mario kart/animal crossing or if thats just retroactively supporting older games on the 3ds. would make sense, since mario kart ds is one of the most successful ds games afaik

some stuff just seems weird though. super street fighter 4 3D edition? what?

edit: im dumb and this post is late. lol

the sony conference was pretty bad, maybe worse than microsfts, yeah. nintendo pretty much made both of the others irrelevant.


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oh god, amidst all this awesome nintendo stuff i just saw gameplay of new vegas for the first time, and it looks like shit

I created a visual representation of nintendo's E3 presentation

so nintendo owns my wallet once the 3ds comes out

oh and the MS one sucked so bad. sony was okay but I don't have a ps3 so whatever.

BIG loven

Not so little anymore
The 3ds looks strait up awesome. I cant wait to play resident evil on it :D. And im stoked they are making a new Donkey Kong Country game, shit takes me back.
DKC looks okay but nothing nearly as awesome as 1&2. Kid Icarus looks good (but will clearly require playing on mute with that awful Kid Icarus voice). Golden Sun looks like fucking ass, what horrible fucking character art.

Metroid Other M looks like it is going to be great.
Holy fucking shit Nintendo.

The 3DS brew my fucking blains out, and with promise of shin megami tensin and persona as well as first party games for it 3=====)------ fuuuuck

As for Wii games I am stoked as hell, Donkey kong country 4 looks fun as hell, as with Zelda (beautiful graphics) and Mertroid other M gave me a boner, sticking a gun in a space pirates face and giving it a mouthwash of power beam definitely tickles my fancy.
But holy shit that kirby game looks rad, maybe this is obvious coming from a textile enthusiast such as myself but fuck fuck fuck I want it. Also it's confirmed to have optional co-op.

Nintendo's official E3 site, if anyone's interested:
damn't! that isn't kirby! Thats, thats... well im not sure what that is, but it's not kirby! Although Epic Yarn is just about the coolest name ever.
Ocarina of time in 3-d!?!?!?!?!?! YES!!!
i find it amazing theyre announcing all this stuff just on their website. they had TOO MUCH content for e3 goddamn it nintendo. still not sure why layton would benefit from 3d but the second in that series is probably my favourite ds game so ill buy it regardless.

3ds looks absolutely amazing. im totally sold on the concept, and theres a ridiculosu number of great games coming.
Reach might actually be worth buying now that i see the campaign. AC:B Looks like the best game ever. LoZ SS looks very fun especially the scorpion thingy. Crysis 2 'nuff said
the fuck nintendo totally changed my mind about the 3DS. awesome graphics, and fucking look at that line-up!! -dead- I need a job to start saving up

Sony's was okay. I haven't gamed in so long because of school I have a lot of shit to catch up on anyways.

Playstation+ sounds... Interesting?? Luckily playing online is still free.

wut, how is GoldEye 007 possible? How is RARE back with Nintendo? Did I miss something :0
Well, I'd reiterate what everyone else is saying, but it seems to be a moot point about now lol

Luckily, the flaws during the Zelda presentation don't seem to be present in the actual version. Seems cell phones and other devices in the audience really did screw with the infrared sensor on wii motionplus.

Nintendo seems to be coming out with a strong lineup for the future, but keep in mind that they are releasing names of loads of games that are just in development; we have basically no idea how far into development they're in. If I remember correctly, 3rd party developers haven't gotten to develop for the 3DS for more than a few months (I think they got to test it in March?). At this point, I'd say it's likely that we don't see most of these games even in 2011, but there's always room for surprises.

On that note, don't get your hopes up on seeing the 3DS this year. Even though it looks ready, if the games aren't finished yet than the release date will be pushed back. If they WERE planning on releasing it this holiday season, wouldn't they be flaunting that all over the place? Supposedly, they are going to release it in Fiscal Year 2010, which runs through March 2011, but we might not know for a while.

Still a tad bit disappointed we didn't hear anything about Pikmin 3 though :(

And, for a final note, are there any details about Nintendo having a private meeting, like the one where they showed the first Zelda art last year?
omg I really hope for a Pikmin 3 on the 3DS. And a SSB, but that is probably not likely... Nintendo has lit a fire in my, I finally have faith in them again. :D (still, PS3 > Wii BUT Nintendo is king of portables)
wut, how is GoldEye 007 possible? How is RARE back with Nintendo? Did I miss something :0
The game isn't being developed by Rare.

I wasn't able to catch any of the conferences unfortunately so its hard to comment on anything. Does anybody know a good site or two that break down each conference? Searching hasn't gotten me very far, articles either address specific aspects of a conference or just give a reaction rather than a recap.
So, summary of the conferences (I'm not talking about anything that was shown outside of the conferences)

Microsoft did an awful job. It looked like it was going to be great when Call Of Duty Black Ops appeared, with impressive graphics; then the even more impressive MGS Rising was shown. But at that point, we were shown GeoW 3, then Fable 3, then Halo Reach, and they all looked exactly like their predecessors, and it was starting to be boring. And then the real horror began. They started to go on and on and on about Kinect, explaining features that seemed useless and cumbersome, mimicking almost exactly the awful conferences that Nintendo did in the last few years. A contract with ESPN was announced which might be important for some people, but they talked about it for way too long. Kinectimals, a Nintendogs ripoff with a tiger that also uses Kinect but with no apparent benefit. Kinect Sports. Kinect Adventure. All boring, ridiculous, ugly games that are apparently intended to make the 360 look like a Wii (when I say that, I don't have Metroid Prime and Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros in mind, but rather Just Dance and Cooking Mama and Wii Sports). YourShape from Ubisoft looks like the most solid attempt to do a serious fitness game, but it's still a fitness game. Dance Central looks somewhat stupid, but then again so does DDR. A Star Wars video and a demo of a Kinect-enabled Forza Motorsport (we saw no actual racing, only a car in the desert). And finally, the new 360... which is not a major redesign at all actually, the price is the same, the size is almost the same, and the HDD is just 'normal' (as opposed to the outrageous price Mircosoft charges for the current 360 HDDs). Let's not talk about the 'press corruption' incident, it's bad enough as it is. The worst E3 conference since a long time.

I didn't get to see EA's, but from what I've been told, they did a good job, showing what was expected in a clean and entertaining way. Need For Speed Hot Pursuit (looks good), Dead Space 2 (apparently a very impressive video), Medal Of Honor, MMA, EA Active 2, NFL, The Sims, Crysis 2... and finally an awesome Bulletstorm video and an even more awesome The Old Republic trailer. I'm seeing it now, I'll update my impressions later.

Then came Ubisoft. It started with Tetsuya Mizuguchi himself demonstrating the amazing Child of Eden (okay, it's Rez 2, but there is probably no better way to start a conference than with this game). Then Assassin's Creed Brotherhood was shown, with emphasis on the epic scale and the multiplayer, while the graphics remain as mindblowingly good. After that, Shaun White came on stage to talk about the last game he's lending his name to, and it looks very innovative - a mix of Jet Set Radio, Skate and De Blob. You create your environment as you skate; for instance, a rail can extend freely and lead you wherever you want it to. Definitely surprising, in a good way.
And after that we were shown a confusing new laser tag toy: apparently Ubisoft is looking more and more into hardware design. It's designed by Frederick Raynal if I'm not mistaken, it looks clever, and it's probably going to sell a lot. The hardware trend continues with Innergy, a probable competitor to the Wii Vitality Sensor, although this seems to be aimed at an even more casual audience, for purely relaxing purposes. Only one game seems to be compatible, and it doesn't look like they intend to do more, strange.
Then a Raving Rabids video, followed by a very good Ghost Recon Future Soldier demo, followed by the only two relative failures of the conference: Driver: San Francisco and the exact replica of the YourShape presentation that happened in the MS conference.
The goodness came back immadiately after that though, with a trailer of Eric Chahi's new project which looks intriguing, and then Rayman: origins, without any rabbits. It looked awesome and beautiful, but the underlying annoucement - that of an accessible toolset with which Rayman is being made by five people only, is even more important. The next one is also ground breaking: Ubisoft is starting a whole new line of games based on Trackmani, with a high focus on user-created content. To finish, Yves Guillemot announced a Michael Jackson game.
This was the definition of a successful conference. Big annoucements, lots of content, surprises, and a clear explanation of the company's vision which seems to be shifting with the new era we're entering (that of motion control, 'camera control' and 3D), presented in a light and humourous tone.

Nintendo was next. How to put it... they really shot themselves in the foot with that Zelda demo. The game looks good and it is going to be awesome I'm sure, but nothing - I mean nothing worked as it should have in the demo. How can a Zelda showing be so disappointing? The controls look cumbersome, and I never thought I'd say that about a Nintendo game, but evidence is here, Miyamoto can't even play his own game (I also don't like the choice they made of replicating the player's movements in-game, but that's my opinion). I think the interference excuse was bullshit, but we'll have more feedback from journalists later. Then they showed Mario Sports, Wii Party and Just Dance 2, which were probably planned to go somewhat unnoticed after Zelda, but since it was such a mess, it only makes things look worse.
Finally, bigger franchises are pulled out: Golden Sun DS (nothing new here, it's the same old thing with new graphics and it works), Goldeneye Wii (same old thing too but with the same old graphics this time, it looks like the original).
Epic Mickey was the conference's big surprise: it looks gorgeous and amazing, Warren Spector lives up to his reputation. Same thing for the next game, Kirby Epic Yarn. Nintendo is getting back up from the initial fumble. Dragon Quest 9 is shown, nothing new, the game's already out. Followed by a new trailer for Metroid: Other M in which we see everything that makes Metroid what it is: exploration, lonelyness, sidescrolling AND first-person phases. After that came a new surprise, although it was somewhat predictable: Donkey Kong Country Returns, from Retro Studios.
And finally, the 3DS! It is amazing and honestly it's been a while since we've seen a Nintendo console receive such a universal praise. Kid Icarus is shown and it looks good, although the gameplay seems subpar. Many titles are revealed for the handheld, including Nintendogs&Cats, DJ Hero, MGS, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy...
All in all, Nintendo did a pretty good job, but it was not as incredible as what they're capable of. Many franchises but nothing revolutionary, everything seemed like it was 'generic Nintendo' (this is a very high praise). The biggest moments were Kirby, Epic Mickey and the 3DS, with DKCR and Kid Icarus closely following. I'd say it's close to what EA did: as good as expected, but not jaw-dropping.

Finally, Sony... ugh. The first hour and half was so boring. We were shown Killzone 3, Sly, MLB, and many other games in a couple of videos that were displayed over and over and over again, or so it seemed since everything looked the same. Tretton, Hirai and Butler did their best to convince us that what was on the PS3 could not be achieved on any other console, with a big emphasis on 3D and Move, but it simply didn't work: the two games that were used to demonstrate this, Sorcery and Tiger Woods, looked completely feasible on the Wii, when it comes to their controls at least. There was a lot of lag with Move. We got to see so many teasers but no actual content: Invizinimals, God of War, EyePet, Heroes on the Move (feturing Ratchet, Jak, Sly, Clank, Daxter and another guy)... boooring. We even got to see an ad that had yet to air on TV... how does that even concern us? This was clearly Sony speaking to its shareholders only, and not giving a fuck about the audience.
And then all of a sudden they remembered they had actual things to talk about so they demoed Little Big Planet 2 which looks fucking damn impressive, quickly slipped an announcement about PSPlus (the XBLGold equivalent, no wonder they tried to make it go unnoticed), Medal of Honor, Portal 2 (that was the surprise Vavle was talking about! I'm sure the world hunger problem could be solved with the check Gabe Newell must have received), FF14, and an amazing-looking GT5.
To close the conference, Twisted Metal for PS3 was unveiled. It's ugly. It might be fun though, but it's hardly the kind of game you close a conference with.
This was not as bad as Microsoft, but gosh it was boring. Why did they wait so long before showing LBP2? Who knows.

Don't expect anything revolutionary from Move. It's just a Wiimote, nothing more. Don't expect anything from Kinect either, I doubt anyone will use it for anything that we haven't seen with the EyeToy. The 3DS and the 3D in general, however, are going to storm the gaming world for sure.

Now only Konami is left :)
zelda looks like ass to me i despise the graphics. it's an uncomfortable blend of cel-shaded and regular graphics (tending toward regular) that just makes the textures looks bland. i thought it was just because it's an early build but now i'm not so sure... i'm really disappointed thus far, it didn't seem particularly interesting, though bomb rolling seems cool. i thought the art design was unappealing as well. the world presented in the e3 demo is not one i can find myself absorbed in, but maybe i'm being unfair.

goldeneye wii... i'm skeptical about that as well, as it is a completely different development team and won't be doing anything revolutionary gameplay wise (unlike the original). i wish dk country wasn't a side-scroller, as well (loved the n64 version). overall the wii lineup disappointed me, but hopefully i am wrong about zelda. edit: that mickey mouse game looks promising though.

now the 3ds... blew my mind. it looks incredible. god i want to see those 3-d graphics.
And, for a final note, are there any details about Nintendo having a private meeting, like the one where they showed the first Zelda art last year?
Answered my own question lol: Roundtable conference is going on right now.

I can't find a live blog of it (IGN is supposed to have one, but it doesn't seem to be up now...

So far, they've shown a demo of OoT 3D, but that's all I've heard...

edit: never mind again it's up
I was severely disappointed in Sony's conference. PS+ is stupid, the controller thing was dumb (50$ for the motion controller, then you have to pay another 30$ for another controller), and no mention of versus XIII or anything.
I'm sure that, if there really are motion problems with the Skyward Sword, then Nintendo will try to mend them by the time the game comes out. I'm really excited for everything though, and I'm glad that the new DKC game is a sidescroller, because I loooove platformers, but hopefully they throw in all the secret rooms and stuff that made me love the originals.

Also jesus christ, Kid Icarus looks absolutely nothing like the original, but it looks fantastic! I'm already sold on getting a 3DS now, especially after hearing that you can turn off the 3D stuff, because I wasn't sure about how it'd look, and if I don't like it, it doesn't matter!

The Epic Yarn trailer brought a big smile to my face haha, typically I've strayed away from actually buying Kirby games because of how short they are, but if I can I'm definitely bagging this.

(I actually got shivers watching some of this stuff/I need a job)

Edit: @Ivar; I disagree entirely, I think the new zelda game has a very appealing look, and the world looks stunning, but you're entitled to your opinion of course. It's probably just because I love big solid bright colours and cartoony things :I

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