Official E3 2010 Topic

i wish dk country wasn't a side-scroller, as well (loved the n64 version).
just be happy that nintendo is bringing that franchise back from the grave...although i too loved the n64 version, dkc is a classic and one of gaming's finest. can't help but compare the new one to nsmbw.
I haven't been following this that closely so I'm wondering: For some of the more recent games that got released on the DS, are those being completely remade for the 3DS as in a new cartridge and everything? So do we have to buy these games again when they're remade or will they still work with the 3DS to produce the effect?
I haven't been following this that closely so I'm wondering: For some of the more recent games that got released on the DS, are those being completely remade for the 3DS as in a new cartridge and everything? So do we have to buy these games again when they're remade or will they still work with the 3DS to produce the effect?

Good point. I think that they will remake the games for them to work on the 3DS. Compatibility issues, maybe?


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3DS will almost certainly be backward compatible with DS games but they won't have any 3D effects unless they work something out.

Anyway, I was on media blackout all day until I got home and saw the Nintendo conference. Holy crap. Nintendo delivered. Did not expect what we got at all. A breath of fresh air after the craptacular conference Microsoft put on and Nintendo's snoozefests in years past. It was all games, games, games, and then of course new hardware with actual details (sans price though). Zelda's art style looks great. Kirby's looks amazing. Donkey Kong Country Returns in 2D by Retro is yes plz. Metroid we've already seen and I'm not liking the release date personally. Golden Sun is being composed by Sakuraba again it looks like =) Kid Icarus is a franchise I don't care about but Sakurai looks like he's doing some pretty awesome stuff with it... gave me a Sin & Punishment vibe.

Man, I can't remember the last time Nintendo showed so many games rather than "hey look we have a breath sensor"!

I haven't seen Sony yet but people tell me it blew so I who knows. Might just play it in the background once someone gets up a decent stream / download.


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God DAMN I am so fucking excited for the 3DS, and strangely it's because of three remakes! the fact that this thing is gonna have Metal Gear Solid 3, Ocarina of Time, and Star Fox 64 in 3d AND on a handheld makes me really giddy! The tech problems with zelda for the wii pretty lame, but from the feedback I have been reading about hands on impressions, it actually seems like it controls very damn well. Im also excited about Donkey Kong, Metroid, Kirby, and Kid Icarus. Nintendo defiantly hit it out of the ball park this E3 unlike last year, and while they still don't have any new IPs, Im pretty damn satisfied.

Unfortunately I was unable to watch the whole Sony conference (I will later though), but it seemed a lot more tame. Despite that, I am intrigued by the Playstation Move, if only because it seems to support kill zone 3 (I don't give a fuck about the series, but I will sure as hell get it if the motion controls work well). I'm also pretty excited about LittleBig Planet 2 (I loved the first one) and Patapon 3. Sadly it sort of seems like the PSP is going to die without an upgrade. Also, the coca cola segment was lame as hell.

I haven't watch the Microsoft conference, but damn it looked like a huge fuck up, The Kinetic just seems like a glorified Eyetoy from what I saw, and I didn't see any surprise announcements for regular games. granted, I'm probably going to get Halo Reach and GoW 3 at some point, but nothing else really caught my attention. Hopefully the 360 will have a stronger showing on the show floor...


Smogon's fantastical fun-guy.
Golden Sun is being composed by Sakuraba again it looks like =)
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed this! This observation would have made my day, if it hadn't been for Nintendo already my head explode multiple times with their incredible conference.

I still can't get over the fact that they were sitting on so much for E3! After the past years, I don't think anyone was expecting this much content.

The more I think about it, the more excited I get about Star Fox 64 and Ocarina of Time on the 3DS. My N64 is still plugged into my TV and sees regular use playing these classics, and to have them reborn in 3D on a powerful, portable system!? YES please. Not to mention the other big titles already announced for the system... and this is just the starting lineup!
Ok so basically..

Nintendo raped in every way possible.

Sony's first half was boring, but the second half was almost as good as most of Nintendo's conference.

Microsoft sucked in general.
Any KH news?
They confirmed a Kingdom Hearts game for the 3DS (it was shown on a little slide show of games that will be developed for the 3DS) no other information was shown about the game though.

The 3DS has been confirmed to have backwards compatibility with DS games :)
I'm excited at most games from Nintendo, like Kid Icarus, new Zelda, that Kirby looks great too, and of course new Golden Sun.

Nintendo really delivered this year. The 3DS looks fantastic as well.
I'm insanely excited and looking forward to getting a 3DS. Playing OOT and Kid Icarus on the go will be spectaculamazing.

Also this new zelda. And every other nintendo announcement, pretty much. They raped E3 this year.
I'm sold, those lines up are freaking awesome, I find it so hard to believe, it's like I'm dreaming about it.

That Zelda game, I must have!


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i really don't get it, it's the ultimate irony

the wii lags behind the 360 and the ps3 since release thanks in most part due to its quirky "gimmick" control scheme, then the moment the top dog tries to emulate it, the wii sneaks up from behind and steals the top spot?

it;s only unfortunate things weren't this strong for nintendo at the wii's release, but that's by the by, they really have delivered, and everyone i've spoken to agrees nintendo stole e3

finally kirby wii, the art style is beautiful, i couldn't help but smile. littlebigplanet meets super paper mario?

edit: sorry i have skimmed through some of this thread since the nintendo bombshell, but i remember discussion on whether kirby would be co-op

from nintendo:

Two players can play through the entire game together
I didn't see Nintendos show, but from what I read through here...

Must. Have. 3DS! MGS sold it for me, and since it has backwards compatibility with DS games, I don't have to cash out for a DSLite, unless I end up buying Pokemon Platinum.

Now if they just add a GBA-game port into that...
the wii lags behind the 360 and the ps3 since release thanks in most part due to its quirky "gimmick" control scheme, then the moment the top dog tries to emulate it, the wii sneaks up from behind and steals the top spot?
It's all part of the plot

Stray away from the hardcore scene
Win the hearts of every uncle, grandmother, and little sister on the planet
Wait until the competitors notice you're making billions without spending a penny
Let them try to imitate you with their awkward and clumsy tentatives to reproduce your control scheme
Win back all the hardcore market that has now been left alone, while keeping a good grip on the grandmas

The profit is so obvious that it doesn't even need to be specified; plus it happens at every step, not only at the end.
Nintendos conference was just awesome. I´ll do a little top 5 ranking:

5. 3DS. Yep it´s actually number 5. And it´s still totally epic. The graphic are high Gamecube quality, ds compability and freaking 3d, i´ll so buy this.

4. Kirby. The artstyle is amazing! add to that the kirby bonus, co-op, a 2d jump n run (my favorite genre along action adventures) and coll level interactions you got fun. plain fun.

3. Zelda. Well, first, it´s cel shading. Then, it has motion plus, a bug shooting-thingy it´s a zelda game (wich brings quality, as long as it´s not on the CDi) and it´s god damn cel shading. easily one of the best wii games, i guess.

2. Donkey Kong country returns. It´s not because its DK, its just because its from Retro studios. RETRO STUDIOS. They are (imo) the best in what they do, and developed the Metroid Prime trilogy, which brings us to

1.Metroid other M. I knw, it was revealed in 2009, but it was still present. GOTY, easily. I´m sooo hyped. just win.

All in All, the conference was outstanding, and can hardly be topped, but we´ll see next year, i´m already looking forward to it. And the games.
Nintendos conference was just awesome. I´ll do a little top 5 ranking:

5. 3DS. Yep it´s actually number 5. And it´s still totally epic. The graphic are high Gamecube quality, ds compability and freaking 3d, i´ll so buy this.

4. Kirby. The artstyle is amazing! add to that the kirby bonus, co-op, a 2d jump n run (my favorite genre along action adventures) and coll level interactions you got fun. plain fun.

3. Zelda. Well, first, it´s cel shading. Then, it has motion plus, a bug shooting-thingy it´s a zelda game (wich brings quality, as long as it´s not on the CDi) and it´s god damn cel shading. easily one of the best wii games, i guess.

2. Donkey Kong country returns. It´s not because its DK, its just because its from Retro studios. RETRO STUDIOS. They are (imo) the best in what they do, and developed the Metroid Prime trilogy, which brings us to

1.Metroid other M. I knw, it was revealed in 2009, but it was still present. GOTY, easily. I´m sooo hyped. just win.

All in All, the conference was outstanding, and can hardly be topped, but we´ll see next year, i´m already looking forward to it. And the games.
I don't mean to be hating or anything but let's not get ahead of ourselves... I mean are you actually in LA right now? How can you say a game will be 'GOTY easily' when we have seen only a couple of videos? How can you know that Zelda SS will be as good as its predecessors or say it will be 'one of the best Wii games' when it's scheduled for next year (not that it's a hard thing to accomplish)? What is the thing that Retro Studios does better than other developers which can be applied to both Metroid Prime and DKCR?

I know this is a Pokémon forum and a little bit of 'Nintendo loyalty' should be expected but this is just mindless, blind adoration and it's like giving Nintendo the green flag for more of the kind of milking they've been doing for the past 2-4 years :x

edit: on an unrelated note, new hands-on with Zelda Skyward Sword seem to confirm that Miyamoto's struggle with the game was just a one-time issue, and the details that are being unveiled one by one are promising (new progression structure, world duality...) My concerns with the game are fading away.

edit: As always, Edge hits the nail right on the head with its analysis of the Nintendo conference.
Here's what I'm looking forward to.

Killzone 3
LittleBigPlanet 2
Metal Gear Solid Rising
Portal 2
InFamous 2
Crysis 2

Overall, Sony did a solid job this year.
Forget all Playstation Move nonsense, Sony will still deliver top quality games.
Their exclusive list isn't as big as last year, but it'll still stretch my wallet.
If they had focused solely on games like they did last year, they really could have been as good as Nintendo. Oh well.

Wii / DS
Kid Icarus
Donkey Kong Country
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Dragon Quest
Metal Gear Solid 3D
Ocarina of Time
Golden Sun

Welcome back Nintendo. I didn't expect you guys to hit your stride this late in the generation, but wow, did you.
Microsoft's stride in 2007, Sony's in 2009, and Nintendos in 2010.
Just a really great job. You guys brought out games that people wanted, and expected. I applaud you Nintendo, you raped beyond comprehension.
Gonna have to fire my Wii up again this year.

Fable II
Gears of War 3

Really bad job this year microsoft......
I mean...........terrible. Just wow.
You showcased many games that come out on your rival system, the PS3. And perhaps the Cross Platform game you showcased the most, Metal Gear Solid Rising, is actually being developed ON the PS3, and will be ported, TO the Xbox.
All that Kinect stuff wasn't particulalry interesting either.
The games you showcased on Kinect really bored people out, and that is going to hurt it.


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They confirmed a Kingdom Hearts game for the 3DS (it was shown on a little slide show of games that will be developed for the 3DS) no other information was shown about the game though.

The 3DS has been confirmed to have backwards compatibility with DS games :)
Just saw Siliconera interview Nomura and it looks like it's 99% confirmed that the Osaka team will be doing KH 3D. They're the ones who did KH Birth by Sleep on PSP.

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