Tournament SCL III LC Discussion Thread


PUPL Champion

Welcome to the Smogon Champions League III Discussion Thread — Little Cup edition! This thread will be used to discuss LC in SCL III related topics from players, general metagame trends, matches, predictions etc.

SCL III Commencement Thread
Schedule Sheet
Replays Thread
Usage Stats
Overall Spreadsheet


LC Player Cores (bold denotes starters, italics denote manager support)

Power Plant Dynamos : Collette, TKO, BIHI, Luthier,
Indigo Platoon: Scottie, starmaster
Uncharted Terrors: Laroxyl, wesh papillon, xavgb
Orange Islanders: Hacker, Lokifan
Studio Gible: dcae, s1nn0hc0nfirm3d
Circuit Breakers: tazz, babyboyblues, Sylveon used calm mind
Arena Spartans: goldenghost, Wail Wailord
Technical Machines: Acehunter1, Elfuseon, Expulso
Mt. Silver Foxes: Drifting, Éric
Showdown Shoguns: Eniigma

LC PlayerPrice
Sylveon used calm mind3500
Wail Wailord3000
wesh papillon3000
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plaza athénée
is a defending SCL Championis a Past SCL Champion
quick pr:

1) laro and tazz - good players, good builders, good support lcers

2) scottie - if he avoids the star curse, top player in this pool and new meta means he can get away w unfamiliarity w previous meta

3) hacker - can he avoid the new expensive lcer curse? experienced and good support lcer

4) eniigma and collette - solo players, but i could see them both do exceptionally well in this pool, high upside players

5) ksg - if bro can overcome the bad luck he's recently been plagued with he'll be higher

6) acehunter - metronome is no longer viable, so i wonder how he adjusts here, but a dark horse player if he figures out the good obscure meta mons

7) drifting - can prove everybody wrong w no pressure but by traditional metrics the weakest player in the pool


formerly BeardedDrakon
is a Tiering Contributor
LCPL Champion
my SCL power rank tier list (for fun, i'm not as knowledgeable). Tier 1 is top tier, Tier 2 is very good, or uncertain top tiers, and Tier 3 is still good but volatile in my opinion. Within tiers it is unordered.

Tier 1:

Dcae - They have proven themselves in a variety of big tournaments in a variety of generations. They haven't been SVing until recently, but they are learning the DLC meta and I predict they will do very well.

Tazz - A great player, and also with elite support in BBB. Last SCL they got unlucky with speed ties if I remember correctly, but if their luck is average I believe they will be top tier in this pool.

Laroxyl - After being snubbed last SCL, they have grinded SVLC and are among the most proven in this tier. Wesh Papillon is underrated support too.

Hacker - Their first SCL tournament, but they are also extremely proven in SVLC. Lokifan is an excellent backup if things go sour.

Tier 2:

Collette - If they are fully invested, and become/are a good SV LC builder, they are top tier. Neither are fully guaranteed but I'm a believer.

Scottie - They have not been playing SV LC to my knowledge, but they were one of the goats of SS LC, at least in individual tournaments. If they build and can shake off the team tournament curse then they will be excellent.

Goldenghost - Their last SCL was an ill fated 1-6 if i remember correctly, but this time I believe it will be different. They were one of the best SV LCers in LCPL, and have been good elsewhere too.

Acehunter - I don't like a lot of the builds that they bring, but if the teams are good I can see Acehunter doing very well. They were very good last SCL.

Tier 3:

Drifting - They are the least proven LC starter in the draft, but in my opinion they're overhated/memed a bit. I don't think they'll be top tier, but they could out preform most expectations.

Eniigma - A true wildcard, they are less proven than most of the draft and are without support. They have shown more than a few flashes of excellence though, even if its not 100% of the time.


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LC Leader
posting my PR as submitted with quick blurbs

1. dcae

The most proven player on this stage, and he appears to be motivated and building too. He doesn't have any SV results thanks to his well-deserved ban, but dcae is the player you'd trust the most to return to the top level.

2. tazz

The second most proven player in the pool, bolstered by the best support in bbb. I know that tazz has been building and playing even though he didn't SV in LCPL, so I expect a strong showing. He will reference any marginally unfavorable bad luck that happens in any losses though

3. Hacker

I have hacker and laroxyl very close and initially had these rankings flipped. We will see if hacker can break the expensive new LCer curse that previously victimized kythr and acehunter, but I trust him to build well and his in-game improved over the course of LCPL.

4. Laroxyl

A bizarre snub from SCL2, laro is well prepared for this stage because of his habit of seeking out top player matchups in every team tour. I think his building occasionally leaves something to be desired, but wesh papillon's support will give him a steady stream of evil teams that I hate.

5. Collette

Perhaps the single most difficult player in the pool to rank. Coll boasts a nearly-sterling tour record, but has avoided a number of matches with stronger opponents in decided weeks. If she's motivated, the in-game is definitely there, and she's known for her diespicable cteams, but activity and motivation are both question marks without a strong LC support.

6. Scottie

Scottie has yet to translate his individual tour dominance to a strong teamtour performance, and he's not been active yet in SV LC. He's a good enough player on fundamentals to go positive, but he will have to prove his grasp on the meta and overcome his teamtour curse.

7. acehunter1

Ace hasn't been as active in SV and has mostly been bringing meme teams lately, but I think that will improve as he finds more time to devote to the meta. His ability to outplay top players could be more proven, though, as two of his four sheet wins last year were against non-mainer fodder.

8. eniigma

One of the surprise picks of the draft and a total wildcard. Eniigma is known for his addiction to unmons and his ladder hero status, so it's hard to guess how he'll perform in the most serious LC teamtour. He has the skill to win here but somebody will have to have a firm hold of the reins.

9. Drifting

The pick that set the LC discord on fire, paired with a support in Eric who openly complained about how bad a teammate he was in LCPL. Frankly, drifting does not have the results typical of an SCL starter, but he claims to be motivated and has had some success building for top-level players in the past. We will see if he can translate some of his wins over top players this gen into a respectable showing.


encore encore encore
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
It feels sad to sit out of an official for the first time, but I'm going to try my best to enjoy from the sidelines, so let's get started with a PR. I've separated everyone into 3 tiers and also ranked within those tiers, although to be honest there's not much in it.

Tier 1

1. Hacker & Lokifan

I’m incredibly high on both of these guys and it’s disappointing to see them on the same team. Really don’t know how this was allowed to happen - all it takes is one look at the LCPL sheet and a quick read of kythr’s commencement post to know that Loki is one of the strongest players available, not someone who should be going for 3k as a support slot. It’s a shame we won’t get to see both of them play every week, but I at least hope they get rotated around so that Loki gets the playtime he deserves, as I consider him similar if not equal calibre to Hacker.

2. Scottie
Not too much to say here, I just find Osh's results to be really impressive. The reason I'm ranking him 2nd is because of his consistency - he's basically guaranteed to finish in the middle of the pack at worst, and I can't confidently say that about anyone else. In contrast, although someone like dcae is more likely to get a crazy record, they're also more likely to disastrously flop, and that's what pushes Osh up the ranks for me.

3. Collette
Great teamtour results, will be really interesting to see her play at SCL level. pls turn up for the games

4. dcae
dcae has the best official tournament stats out of anyone in the pool, yet somehow I still don't trust him... I feel a lot of his wins have come from pulling good matchups, and I don't know if he'll be able to keep that up in a brand new meta just because he's done it before. But at the same time it's very possible. In other words, I don't have a clue :d

5. tazz & babyboyblues
I love this core, the prep will be fire. I personally consider tazz's playing ability to be "the worst of the best" which is why I only rank him at 5th, but it's marginal. Hope to see bbb play some games too.

Tier 2

6. goldenghost & Wail Wailord

Seems like KSG is at his best right now after a very strong LCPL, but his historical results are lacking compared to Tier 1. Maybe he's just really good at SV and it won't matter. Wail is a cool support slot and viable starter in his own right.

7. Laroxyl & wesh papillon
Feels weird ranking such a good player at 7th, but the pool is just that strong I guess. Could easily pop off. Pap is valuable support

8. Acehunter1 & Elfuseon
Remember to click

9. Eniigma
I like this pick - it's a very risky one, but the potential is high imo. I admire Eniigma's ability to win with creative garbage, it gives me Heysup vibes and I've always been a Heysup fan too. He might flop terribly but I have no doubt his games will be entertaining.

Tier 3

10. Eric & Drifting

In my mind there are 3 types of players - you have people who are “definitely of value”, i.e they’ve proven they can consistently win a few games. Then you have people who “might be of value”, meaning they have inconsistent results or haven't played enough games to gauge their potential (a lot of people fall into this category, and they aren’t bad picks, just risky ones). And lastly you have “completely useless” - people who have played and lost enough games to confirm they are absolutely 100% incompetent. Very few people reside in this mental category of mine, and I’m sorry to say Drifting is one of them. I don’t know why he was drafted; it could be for the meme, or maybe the managers are just genuinely clueless and fell for freezai’s gag of constantly gassing him up. Either way it was a mistake.

Luckily Eric is here to save the day. I consider him a level lower than most of the other starters, but he's certainly strong enough to compete with them, and I’m excited to see how he’ll fare in this pool. I shouldn't have to say this, but he should start every week.

On the whole, it’s really nice to see every team have a viable LC player for the first time ever. With everyone being close in skill anything could happen. The meta being new adds some volatility too - quite literally anyone could make a fatal mistake in the builder, and I won't blame them for it. This is the least predictable tour ever, should be fun to watch.


PUPL Champion
Feel free to discuss PRs, but here's your week 1 lineups:

Hacker (Lokifan) vs Collette (BIHI)
Tazz (babyboyblues) vs Ace (Elfuseon)
Scottie vs dcae (s1nn0hc0nfirm3d)
drifting (Eric) vs Eniigma
Laroxyl (wesh papillon) vs Goldenghost (Wail Wailord)

Place your predicts!

Hacker (Lokifan) vs Collette (BIHI)
Tazz (babyboyblues) vs Ace (Elfuseon)
Scottie vs dcae (s1nn0hc0nfirm3d)
drifting (Eric)
vs Eniigma
Laroxyl (wesh papillon) vs Goldenghost (Wail Wailord)


Liever Kips leverworst
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
LCPL Champion
Hacker (Lokifan) vs Collette (BIHI)
Tazz (babyboyblues) vs Ace (Elfuseon)
Scottie vs dcae (s1nn0hc0nfirm3d)
drifting (Eric) vs Eniigma
Laroxyl (wesh papillon) vs Goldenghost (Wail Wailord)
1. dcae

as long as he's motivated to well, he'll easily stomp this pool. dude's the master of HO in terms of building and play, which is definitely needed considering the high skill ceiling of HO this gen. lack of support is a bit worrying, as he could easily just become unmotivated as school picks up for him and end up doing the classic "build ur team 10 min before game" strat, but even in that case id take him over a majority of this pool

2. osh

osh hasn't performed amazingly in snake/scl generally iirc, but a new meta definitely suits him and he'll find some random niche mons to do well with. he's definitely a lot better than most the pool in terms of in game play, so as long as he shows up with a neutral matchup he's probably favored in most scenarios

3. hacker + loki

hacker's definitely one of the best building minds in sv, id prob put him as the best builder alongside ksg. he plays really well in a stable meta, but as we saw early on in lcpl, he sometimes plays terribly vs cheese or anything that deviates heavily from standard. i wouldn't be surprised if something similar ends up happening this scl, going a bit negative early but then going on a great run to close the season. lokis a great player too, but i dont think his builds are anything noteworthy, and likely hackers gonna be bringing his own sauce.

4. collette

i think im higher on collette than many, she's a great builder when motivated and thinks through lines in game really well. could do really well in the pool. yada yada yada goth gf debuff or whatever, i think even with that, similarly to dcae, she can just roll up with a team built five min before game and still win

five. ksg + wail

ksg, as previously mentioned, is one of the best builders in sv rn, if not the absolute best. im sure with wails help theyll cook some fire sauce. ksg plays well in game, pretty solid with few mistakes, as long as he has the nerves to pull the trigger on the right play and doesnt get haxed to oblivion like he has been recently, i'm sure he'll show up most weeks with a positive matchup and win on that

6. laro + pap

i'm not sure how sold i am on this duo. laro's a godly player when he's on his A-game, but some of his lcpl games looked kinda bad, especially the one vs loki where they traded chokes over and over. overall he had a good season, so i'm sure those off weeks won't show up too often in scl. the main concern for me is the building. laro hasn't really shown himself to be a great or creative builder in sv, partially seemingly due to motivation, so im guessing papillon is supposed to help with that. i've never been super high on pap as a builder myself, probably because i wasnt super active in ss but i still think ss building is a joke in terms of the ease compared to other gens, and some of the sv teams he's tested with me looked really bad. hopefully they'll prove me wrong, but i don't think pap's random defensive setup sweeper teams will be too favorable in this pool

7. acehunter1

ive always been surprised by acehunter: he pulls up with what looks like garbage in my eyes and then somehow wins. iirc, he did decently last scl but got luckier than not. he brings teams that only he can pilot, which is pretty beast. can definitely do decently in this pool, but i don't see him doing better than like five-4, even tho i love my fellow sm ladder hero, especially considering his support his elfuseon who has kinda fallen off motivation-wise after his good lcwl

8. eric + drifting

writing this assuming eric is starting over drifting. ive always been high on eric as a player, but his sm run kinda made me rethink that considering how many times he lost to veils. im sure he'll bounce back in sv, but this is a tough pool for him. if he and drifting can sauce some cool builds then i think he'll be fine, but i'm not sure how long of a leash either of them will get. drifting is supposedly back on the grind after being the worst teammate of all time in lcpl, so they might do better than expected, but this slot is the most likely to have the worst score by end of season. drifting is a meme but hes still a fine player, id rank him below everyone else here but like he's not that much worse than the next best player.

9. enigma

ppl keep hyping this guy up but ive always thought results in individual tours are a meme. this guy looked terrible in lcpl until he started using timer and calcs, after which he looked promising, so i guess time will tell which eniigma shows up. i don't really think his trashmon builds will do super well in this pool, considering how the top players wont just lose their minds and sack 4 mons to a froakie or something. i really do hope he does well because we've been waiting for the next breakout star of lc (that isnt colin or reggg), but just based on past tours alone, i dont see it here. lowest floor, but a decent ceiling, prayers up for my boi. no support as well, and i wonder how nerves will play a factor in this

10. tazz

this guy is legit so bad and he also puts the toilet seat up to take a poop like ???
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mons is mons
is a Pre-Contributor
1. dcae
he was like the absolute best when i was starting around the last snake, so this might be nostalgia or something. still, if he isnt washed and cares he should win most games.
2. tazz + bbbitch
im a firm tazz believer. every game of his i watch, he wins. he knows his metagames super well and i like how he plans out his games. sadly he has bbb as a helper who wont be of much help bc he suffers from pepperoni nipples.
3. scottie
he was, in my mind, the undisputed best player last gen. i havent seen him play this gen yet, but since they just introduced vull foo and koff, how different can it really be? still i rank him lower than tazz bbb bc of (as far as i can tell) inexperience with teras, tho he should be able to outplay everyone
4. ksg + wail
this lcpl ive been super high on ghost. he has clutched it so many times, and the times he didnt it was a bit out of his control. hes improved so much, and he already has scl experience, so he shouldnt be super nervous either. he also has wail as a helper, who was able to get good matchups almost every week this lcpl, and will probably get a win if he ever subs as well. i expect a lot from this pair, but it just might be recency bias
5. hacker + loki
they are undeniably good players, but i dont rank them higher bc im not sure of how will they fare together, if that makes sense. hacker built pretty much all of our sv teams in lcpl, and while he “only” got 5-4, all his teams worked super well. but loki doesnt strike to me as someone who can help door the same way i tried to do, as i view loki kinda like i view enigma, but less crazy of course. however, given door has no problems with teams, i can see both of them overperforming my placement for sure, as they are more than capable of winning their games.
6. collette
i like how she plays, and she already won her games last season, so she should be fine nerves-wise. as a builder, i dont really know her. ik i like the teams she ends up using, and i liked her a lot in the ss era, with how innovative she was. all of her inventions came to be standard, and i kinda expect the same thing to happen here. however, i dont know if she built all of that on her own or with help, and shes alone here. still, she should be fine, although not yet at the level of the people above playing-wise imo
7. laro + pap
it was weird to me in the auction that they got pap to help laro, and not ace. tho it makes sense now, since i think they were together in lcpl, maybe they got along really well. ive always liked laro playing, even if he sometimes goes in too rushed. i think he likes paps builds, so imo theyll be comfortable building too. i dont rank them higher bc im not a fan of paps builds (nothing personal pap ofc), and id put laro for his plays higher if the pool wasnt this stacked.
8. ace
i personally love ace. some time ago i couldnt believe how could he use the things he did and win so effortlessly. lately, i think hes hit a bump. he sadly seems to be losing more, but idt hes worsened as a player? idk what it is, but i dont believe in him in the same way i used to do. still, the guy is good and he could overperform what im saying
9. enigma
ive never been a fan idk nothing against the kid but i always thought he was overhyped and inexperienced. this is me typing this just before i lose to him bringing spoink or some shit tho, guys crazy and we play first week.


plaza athénée
is a defending SCL Championis a Past SCL Champion
SV LC: Hacker vs tko - tko is wasted here given his lv100 skill, surprised not to see collette here, seriously wonder who is going to be building for this slot. hacker has been consistent in sv lc and recognizes the closest to broken mon in the meta correctly so that bodes well for what he must be building. ill always bold against luthier support.

SV LC: tazz vs Acehunter1 - despite his heinous opinion on tera, tazz has the pulse of the meta and showed it. also the game already happened.

SV LC: Éric vs Eniigma - eric only knows 3 foo sets, alarming to hear. also pro-eseque, so questionable opinions. in all seriousness, eniigma has looked very strong in post-dlc and is cleaning up in lc indivs + has the benefit of unpredictability, don't envy anyone playing him w1, but this is a close one. winning this one will do the winner a lot of good and will launch what i expect to be a successful campaign.

SV LC: Laroxyl vs goldenghost - most interesting game of the week, both friends so tough to bold either. my gut instinct is laro wins bc ksg is on vacation and that could be the swing factor, but ksg excels when playing higher ranked players like laro so this could easily go the other way.


PUPL Champion
Week 2 is up!

SV LC: goldenghost vs tazz [Spartans v Breakers]
SV LC: eniigma vs hacker [Shoguns v Islanders]
SV LC: dcae v Eric [Gibles vs Foxes]
SV LC: Acehunter1 v Scottie [Machines vs Platoon]
SV LC: TKO vs Laroxyl [Dynamos vs Terrors]

Week 1 Recap:

[ISL] Hacker vs tko [DYN]
Last game of the week and it happened to be at 3:40 am for me so I barely caught it live......,

TKO aka memshow, the surprise starter, beats Hacker in a pretty one sided game featuring the unmon Mareanie (which some may have seen earlier as kythr used this team in seasonal vs Lava Poseidon). I'm not the biggest fan of Hacker's team, as it has trouble reliably answering Vullaby and was only compounded on as he went for a questionable t2 tera with the even more questionable Psychic Mienfoo, which TKO has no trouble handling as he cleanly outplays Hacker in this game

[BRE] tazz vs Acehunter1 [TMS]
FIRST game of the week, and of SCL III goes to these two guys who elected to rfn, having been satisfied with their prep. Tazz hasn't played SV and Ace brings questionable things to SV games, so it was definitely going to be an interesting preview on both ends for the spectators. Ace brings the fairly standard-ish hail, while Tazz brings two unproven-in-DLC meta mons Stunky (buffed with Knock Off in its arsenal) and Magnemite. Ace however, is unaware of said buff and plays too conservative with an aggressive archetype, saving a Wattrel that had trouble with multiple Pokemon on Tazz's end for the end to tera in a last ditch attempt to save this game.

[PLA] Scottie vs dcae [GIB]

My personal hype mu, I wanted to see these two big shots dip their toes in their first SV team tour games. Scottie has played no SV LC since early gen, and dcae is fresh back off an unban but aggressively learning the meta and innovating.

We're treated to a riveting Foongus on Foongus set of turns that eventually has dcae on the backfoot versus Osh's scarf Vullaby, which puts in overtime alongside the Foongus to clinch a win in this game.

[FOX] Éric vs Eniigma [SHO]
Robbed of the drifting-eniigma matchup!

Foxes surprised everyone by being week one winners after having been repeatedly shat on for bottom 3 drafts in Smogon team tour history. Among the Foxes victories this week were Eric winning versus Eniigma in a sussy game of hot potato where both players do their best to let the other win. Ultimately some early luck and tilt has Eniigma click through an endgame where a series of trades would've let him win, but for now the Eric-Drifting combo starts strong on their path to 9-0 the haters wrong..........

Also how did Eric bring the Eniigma level of unmon in Fidough, which actually put in more work than anyone ever thought it would???

[TER] Laroxyl vs goldenghost [SPA]

Laro and KSG both have big points to prove — the former having been snubbed last SCL and the latter trying to come off a string off cursed losses from LCPL as well as improve his SCL record.

This probably ends up being the most even game of the week, with KSG's mistake of tera-ing his Foongus to avoid losing to Voltorb-H's Tera Blast giving the edge to Laroxyl in the long-run. This game's also notable for being the only game of the week where Corphish wasn't fraudulent, as Stunky had a chance to potentially wreak havoc had it not been chipped by Aqua Jet in a calculated trade on Laro's part.

BONUS Game: SV NU [ISL] Danny vs Collette [DYN], TKO's understudy Collette has a last minute moment of super substituting versus one of the better NU players in the tour, Danny, to clinch a win in a tier no one knew she played! Once more we prove LC players can in fact, do well in Lv 100s.........

Post your predictions for week 2! What are you looking forward to? Who's going to bring the biggest unmon of the week? Will drifting sub in and earn his starting spot?


mons is mons
is a Pre-Contributor
hi i think i might wanna break my games down now since i think its a fun read for those who like these stuff. heres this weeks game:

i was scared as shit of eniigma, as i know he can be really crazy sometimes and bring unexpected mons. with that in mind, i thought about out-eniigmaing him. i brought fidough to our game, which i think is an actually viable and worth bringing mon, but i might as well be alone here. i didnt even build around it, i just discovered as i was tryna find a mon that could cover all my teams holes. it is a foo check that isnt afraid of vull, poisons and steels, ironically enough. it also has an enormous surprise factor which i was sure id use.

when i saw this, i didnt really like it. it is doable for sure, but loading electric spam into wattrel toed was gonna be tough. i also noticed the corphish. while not an immediate threat, the moment my mons get knocked off or in range it could be game. on the flip side, i knew id get a lot of value from fidough, as he sure as hell was gonna fall for stomping tantrum on glimmet, and it didnt immediately lose to anything else, while checking god mienfoo.
i thought my plan would be to use vull early to knock wattrel off and try and win with my electrics that way. my lead would be mienfoo, as it is able to deal 1v1 with everything, avoid rocks from glimmet with taunt and even knock something off guaranteed.

the game starts off with our two mienfoos knocking each other off. i think i win this exchange, as my electrics love evioless foo. however, as i didnt need to risk my foo to hjk i switched to sana. it allowed me to get one kill, as i expected he would disrespect it a lot.

after eniigma dances around sana for a bit, and i luckily dodge mud shot (which i think was a misplay on his part anyway, but it wouldve helped him) he gets to trapping it with gothita. this is my first mistake, as if i had calced this id know i wall goth using wish + protect, allowing me to beat it 1v1 and keep my sana alive, which would give him a lot of trouble believe it or not. instead, i just play rough, thinking id be able to wish up later.

that mistake did allow me to immediately knock the wattrel off, which will be very helpful in the long run. i got forced to go glimmet here tho, and getting it trapped as he volt switched into gothita. that would leave me w no tspike remover, as well as no real wattrel counterplay. i dont think i had much else to do here realistically tho, and this forced more progress on my part as well.

once goth trapped my glimmet, i put myself in a position of killing a mon (glimmet) at the cost of having a tspike up and letting wattrel in, which at this point is a nightmare for me. i dont really think i was able to avoid it however, as going magnemite would mean locking into a move, which might mean not even getting a kill, and going voltorb would mean it gets worn down for corphish and gothita later. all three of these plays would also end up in this wattrel roosting scenario. i believe vull is the one that would get me the most out of it. but now what?
i thought about staying in on the roost to attack it, but what after? its just gonna kill me and then my only option to kill it myself would be magnemite again, having me locked into a move that can easily be punished by him going toed or setting up with corphish. as such, i decided to go magnemite first. in my mind, this wattrel would be tera dragon, since it resists voltorbs electric grass fire combination, and id get the same rewards as having stayed in, but without having my vull dead. ik everyone disagrees but i dont really see how would that help.

this play is also controversial, and i dont really know what should i have done either. as i said, i thought this would be dragon, and tera blast would get me a kill, but i did not consider it further than that. it ends up being tera steel and volt switching on me into corphish, the very thing i wanted to avoid in the first place without having gotten something in exchange. i think this ended up well for me tho, as this being tera steel means my mienfoo beats it 1v1, and at 53% it does to vull knock if that came to play. however, some people have told me i shouldnt have tera this early to begin with. i can totally see that, and i can see why would that be good: forcing him to tera steel without using my own would allow my tera mienfoo to avoid being trapped, magnemite to keep its health and typing vs corphish or my tera fire voltorb to beat it. however, what would i do in this turn? if im expecting tera steel volt switch, i do not think any switch in i can have will do anything meaningful other than die to gothita. having used tera also has downsides, as im now in +1 aqua jet range, and i need to play really carefully vs corphish if i dont want to lose to it setting up.

having done that, he goes to corphish on my locked tera blast, and im obligated to go voltorb on knock, leaving it in range of +1 crabhammer. i consider now that voltorb is basically dead, so i try to get the most out of it before it goes. i giga on toed, and then i giga again to leave it in flash cannon/uturn range, knowing i live any one hit, as i did not wanna risk spore on vullaby at any cost. surprisingly for me, he goes wattrel on a double expecting my vullaby. this leaves wattrel in 2hko range, any attack will kill it, and he goes back to toedscool on my giga. here comes the biggest mistake of the game imo, as i stay in and giga again to bring it down. in hindsight, i should have gone vullaby. ingame i was afraid of spore still, but atp he had already revealed he doesnt have it, and going vull would allow me to either win the game on the spot (if he clicks a physical move to activate weak armor) or win with voltorb if i uturn, as everything would be in gigadrain range. going wattrel or clicking spore if he even had it were off the table, as he should respect my voltorb staying in for the same reasons.

and here comes his biggest mistake: he used tera blast to kill my voltorb, not psychic. this basically gave me the win, as i just was able to go mienfoo to revenge kill it and win the game, since wattrel is a steel type and i have taunt to stop dragon dance. had he used psychic, i would be forced to go either vullaby or magnemite. going vull basically loses the game to corphish dragon dance, so that would leave me to magnemite and outplay. instead of going for a tight endgame with lots of mindgames, enigma unfortunately chose the option that gave me the win.
we both inarguably made mistakes (even if i dont think the game was as bad as people make it out to be), and im open to any and all criticism, as i might be leaving something important out. ggs to enigma tho, that wasnt a bad showing at all, considering it was his first official game.
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plaza athénée
is a defending SCL Championis a Past SCL Champion
SV LC: goldenghost vs tazz - at this point ksg might be cursed for scl, but tazz also benefited from what i label w all due respect (bc ace is a homie) the worst executed game and team we might see in scl. bolding tazz bc hes the more proven player on this stage but again ksg is capable of winning this. probably game of the week for me and looking forward to what each brings. if tazz a real one he reuses his last week team and wins.

SV LC: Eniigma vs Hacker - im still high on hacker despite a pretty terrible team last week, but i think he will bounce back here. eniigma looked solid until his endgame v eric where he made some questionable plays which threw a pretty favored position, and maybe he returns to his specialties in using some unmons to throw hacker off. both players desperately need a win here to get their seasons back on track so hope to see some good builds and some good play.

SV LC: Acehunter1 vs Scottie - my current pick to finish with the best record, so im taking osh here. he is a good player and hes shown now that sv is an easy transition for him. good solid build that plays to his strengths. ace on the other hand did not know stunky had knock, so i hope hes now up to date w the dlc meta and cooking some of the trademark ace heat. he has the potential to throw osh off with his unconventional style, but osh will likely win this one w his superior gameplay.

SV LC: tko vs Laroxyl - laro lived up to his most expensive lc billing w an excellent showing against ksg where he brought a good team and played it as well as he could have. tko benefited from hacker bringing a bad team but also looked surprisingly excellent in his first game back in an lc trophy tour in ages. need to see tko continue with good builds and good play before i start giving him his respect, so for now i anticipate laro to make his record 2-0.

right side cooking this week without a doubt


PUPL Champion
Week 3 is up! Here's your games (#FreeDrifting)

SV LC: hacker vs dcae [Islanders v Gibles]
SV LC: Scottie v Goldenghost [Platoon v Spartans]
SV LC: Eric vs Expulso [Foxes v Machines]
SV LC: Laroxyl v tazz [Terrors v Breakers]
SV LC: tko v eniigma [Dynamos v Shoguns]

Big notable change this week as Acehunter joins the bench and the surprise Expulso comes out instead of assumed backup Elfuseon!

Gawain commentary for w2:

[SPA] goldenghost vs tazz [BRE]
A pretty even matchup on paper with KSG bringing 2 grounds that give him a slight edge vs tazz's Numel, which has fallen a little out of favor lately. KSG is looking to avoid the 0-2 start and tazz has strong momentum from his week 1 rfn dub, so both have a lot to prove in this game. Tazz gets a bit unlucky in these opening turns with a Hi Jump Miss, but this momentum is squandered by KSG overpredicting a Vullaby switch. Tazz's tech of the week gets revealed soon after with tera fairy special Tink halting SD Mienfoo, with the game eventually being decided by an unlucky Stone Edge miss from a Scarf Mudbray.

[SHO] Eniigma vs Hacker [ISL]
Where's the unmon? Eniigma brings a reasonable team one can only assume was scrutinized in team chat to gatekeep some bizarre pick like Chingling while Hacker brings his standard Hacker fare. Both players tera early, with Eniigma releasing the tera ground Vullaby to get rid of Glimmet, while Hacker teras Voltorb-H to get rid of Foongus. Hacker then loses what appears to be a Voltorb-H speed tie, which we later learned was the weird bring in the form of Scarf Voltorb — a set that we all collectively agreed is bizarre and somewhat bad, but worked exactly as it was intended so we're going to have to rate this tech a solid 4/5 as it won the game.
[GIB] dcae vs Éric [FOX]
Oh there's the unmon. Dcae has left something burning in the kitchen with a screens HO team revolving around Chingling, which I learned from this game is in fact, slightly better than goth stat-wise (!) with Levitate over Shadow Tag. Does this give it a niche? Probably not, but a min roll on Steel Beam means the Glimmet lives another turn, and dcae has a slightly harder time getting in the right position to setup screens for it. He reveals a Tera Electric crit-me-not fella ready to sweep, which unfortunately gets crit KO'd after being knocked by Timburr. Did he probably win if screens were up or the tera turn was better? Pretty likely, but Eric robs a win here and denies all of us from seeing a Chingling sweep leading to a future #DriftingSweep because who would bench a 2-0 spaniard right now?

[TMS] AceHunter1 vs Scottie [PLA]
The worst tech of the week goes to Acehunter, who actually burned the kitchen down with this team. There's really no way to sugercoat it, everything here just has a terrible time playing Osh's team which looks like a variant of tazz's w1 team. A no-calc on Sandshrew also kind of just keeps putting Ace on the backfoot, while Osh keeps playing a bit too safe for everyone's liking and potentially handed some outs that were not capitalized on, which made this game a loooot closer than it should've been. Will next week's starter being Expulso, will the Machines see less cooking here?

[DYN] tko vs Laroxyl [TER]
tko surprised everyone last week with his solid plays, while Laro came off hot in his week win too. Both are looking to go 2-0 here, and have brought near identical teams. Both players bring their A-game in a pretty exciting game (minus the Foongus wars turns), with at one point tko looking like he's solidly ahead after knocking Laro's mushroom to make a difference in said wars. Tko bluffs his Mienfoo a bit too long, but a speed tie from Tera Fire Voltorb beating tko's Voltorb is huge for Laro as he pushes through to position a Nasty Plot Vullaby to win in a very well played endgame. Definitely my game of the week

Drop your predicts — who's bringing the worst mon this week? Who's brought the most fun tech so far? Will dcae cancer SCL to focus on his LPL career? Discuss away!


Liever Kips leverworst
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
LCPL Champion
Hello, it's me, the predictor with around a 50% success rate if not below. To improve, I have not made my predictions any better but I vowed to flame players as everyone loves a shit talker who can't back it up.

SV LC: hacker vs dcae - hacker brings bad mons, dcae brings unmons, free lokifan
SV LC: Scottie v Goldenghost - ghost himself told us to not give him respect until he wins one, so I won't
SV LC: Eric vs Expulso - eric shouldve lost last week but does expulso know what a glimmet is?
SV LC: Laroxyl v tazz - one of these came close to losing to tko
SV LC: tko v eniigma - one of these is tko


mons is mons
is a Pre-Contributor
double posting: time to analyze my w2 game vs dcae:

this is another week that we had prepared a team even before the tour started. drifing discovered that ability shield gothita traps koffing, and decided to build a fightspam team around it, thinking it would be good support. i thought it was a good idea to use vs dcae, since he loved his hail team at the time, and fightspam + goth owned it.
in tests this team felt good enough, but ability shield gothita is something id never bring again. goth needs scarf to function. also timburr felt really underwhelming, but i decided against changing teams too late in the week

right off the bat i see theres a fucking chingling. i check its special moveset and see it doesnt get anything to hit vullaby. i learned today it gets dazzling gleam and i absolutely missed it, but at the time i thought itd be calm mind with psychic and icy win lol
other than the chingling this felt like a weird screens that could suprirse with the tink set, maybe. i thought was utterly useless here, but timburr had a big chance at winning this game. i thought i had to use vull, foo and voltorb wisely, get tspikes and rocks up which he cant remove and win with timburr. i thought id lead voltorb bc it gave me a chance to react to everything and chip tinkatink which is annoying.

the game starts and, as i get chip on tink and go glimmet to set rocks and tspikes, he gets them up too. he then surprises me w steel beam: now i wont get tspikes but id never have guessed honestly. also i got a lucky minroll, which allowed me to keep the glimmet sacrifice.

as i use power gem to finish off the tinkatink, he goes chingling, revealing it is eviolite. atp my glimmet dies to rocks and i shouldve just fished for sludge bomb, but i didnt notice it actually died and decided i could safely go gothita and save the sacrifice. im pretty sure just fishing for sludge bomb was better for me atp, but glim sac turned out pretty useful later on anyway so its not the end of the world

i go gothita bc i thought itd attack and id be able to tera blast it to death, but it turns out it learns recover lol i instantly regretted that and went vullaby, which ate a charge beam but threatened it out. i knocked impidimp off, which is huge bc now stalling screens is much easier. at this point im scared of numel setting up with screens, so i roost and uturn into volt switch to mienfoo just to avoid that. he decides to sacrifice impidimp to that so thats a huge weigh off my back

this turn, with mienfoo in vs vull on screens, i was scared. regular people would just hard voltorb here, but i was scared of him doubling to numel and setting up. i thought if i uturned, the -1 defense would help me a lot to kill it between brave bird and mach punch, so that i did. had he gone numel, id have an advantage.

when vull dies, he goes to chingling and start setting up. not knowing wtf was i up against, i thought my best odds were to just stay in and knock. it turns out hes tera electric, as i suspected once i saw charge beam, and cosmic power, which makes it passive until its set up enough. this was obviously gonna be a crit battle between my bulk up timburr and the cosmic power chingling, which i luckily won fairly early. i think i was favored odds wise but i havent given it much thought

at this point i knew i literally only lost if numel crit fire blast or was stockpile, so i thought knocking it in case it was was the best play. if it isnt, knock into mach should kill, and mach punch chip on mienfoo wins me the game, as i have a full health evio foo and a full health evio voltorb. he ends up missing hjk but that made no difference.
this week id say my game was cleaner but i also had much less room for error. ill try my best all games of course


plaza athénée
is a defending SCL Championis a Past SCL Champion
SV LC: Scottie v Goldenghost - osh continues to excel and will win again here despite a shakier than necessary endgame against ace. ksg really needs a win here but this is the wrong opponent for that.

SV LC: Eric vs Expulso - Eric did beat me and expulso hasn't played lc this gen as far as i know. usually these types of sub ins don't work out. free elfuseon (respectfully).

SV LC: Laroxyl v tazz - this is gonna be a great game but my instinct says laro will pull this one out, he's really been playing excellent and the game v tko was game of the tour so far

SV LC: tko v eniigma - tko is the best player who isn't 2-0 and i expect him to continue his outstanding play. even though he didn't win im a believer now. eniigma needs to put a tera fairy mon on his teams.

left side cooking this week (which means hackers gonna beat me)


PUPL Champion
[TMS] Expulso vs Hacker [ISL]
[GIB] dcae vs Collette [DYN]
[SHO] Eniigma vs Laroxyl [TER]
[SPA] Wail Wailord vs Éric [FOX]
[BRE] tazz vs Scottie [PLA]

Here's your 4th week of games! Another lineup shakeup, with Wail taking over from KSG who's having a poor run of form and 3KO 2-1 TKO being freed from his LC main hunting duty to free Collette. Another week without the #FreeDrifting fans winning....


[ISL] Hacker vs dcae [GIB]
Two of the three most expensive players going 0-2 was probably not on most people's radars, but it is the gospel truth going into this game that someone's bad record ends this week. Hacker loads a fairly standard six with dcae electing to do screens HO a 2nd week in a row. Hacker leads well with a Taunt Mienfoo that keeps rocks away, and unfortunately for dcae, luck is not on his side in this game as two potentially crucial fire blast misses warp his available lines vs a Vullaby that kept halting progress, which resulted in Hacker's first dub of the season.
[PLA] Scottie vs goldenghost [SPA]
A painful game to watch for KSG fans who were rooting for him to overcome a bad patch of form. Standing in his way is big 2-0 Osh, the third of a gauntlet of imposing players. Both players interestingly bring Diglett-Alola, which has been uncommon as of late, although both would play very different roles here. Ghost seems well equipped to deal with the menacing Shellder with TImburr, but has a harder time getting a Spore off with two potential switchins on Osh's side. After a boring sequence of foong fights, he does get a spore off on Scottie's Diglett, as well get rocks up. There's some great switches and trades made as both players eventually end up in a position where Scottie's Diglett mementos on Gothita to let Shellder setup as Timburr switches in. KSG flubs here by not electing to click Knock Off as the Shellder tera ghosts and clicks +2 Icicle Spear on Steel Timburr, which unfortunately makes him lose an otherwise well played game, as Sucker LO Dig-A would've revenge killed after a Knock Off and potentially win him the game.
[FOX] Éric vs Expulso [TMS]
Expulso the surprise swap played a 2-0 Eric who surprised everyone else by being...2-0, despite the common public consensus being the Foxes LC core flopping. Both players have fairly meta teams, with Expulso catching Eric off guard early with a Fairy Scarf Glimmet after having traded his Vullaby for chipping Eric's Glimmet. In another luck-of-the-week moment, Expulso misses what is a crucial Rock Tomb on Vullaby, which just kind of owned the game from there out as Expulso's plays tilted after to cost him the game. Also, Eric clicked Fake Out on a sleeping Tinkatink which is kind of really funny.
[TER] Laroxyl vs tazz [BRE]
Both of these players are coming in strong off 2-0 starts, looking to ruin the other's record. The game is warped in the builder though, as Laro brings a team with a very rough matchup into Larvesta and Tera Ground Vullaby. Larvesta gets an SS moment off right in turn 1 by burning Mienfoo as it pivots, while chipping hard with Flare Blitz before falling. A telegraphed Tink switchin into Vullaby going Tera Ground and clicking Tera Blast completely ruins the best check Laro has for Vullaby. Combined with Scarf Koffing being just downright bad and doing nothing notable by having no real moves to click vs a healthy Glimmet + Ground Vullaby just left Laroxyl left with no chance of winning despite not playing badly at all, which goes to show building solid and accounting for Tera is still important in the post DLC LC world.
[DYN] tko vs Eniigma [SHO]
Taking place at the same time as Eric v Expulso, we had another duo coming in with good momentum. Eniigma brings the now rarely seen Nymble, while tko has a team very similar to eniigma's week 1 team. This game boiled down to some repeat misplays as Eniigma lets Toedscool get sacked to Foongus expecting a potential Spore spam, letting too many mons get Knocked Off while having a healthy Tink, and just timing some turns like Taunt Mienfoo wrong into tko's aggressive forward pushing plays. While this game doesn't see a Shellder Shell Smash sweep, it does put in work by being tanky enough to live Tera Bug First Impression from Nymble, while KO-ing the last of Eniigma's checks to tko's remaining mons, a Tera Steel Mienfoo and Scarf Mudbray which ultimately clean up what's left. This might be the last we see for tko in this slot for a while, if not the rest of the season as Dynamos restructure following the week loss to the Shoguns.

With another lineup change, what are your predictions for next week? Will coll take over from tko's dynamic start as he escapes back to level 100 UU gaming? Will the last of the undefeated players flop after getting cocky? Is Drifting going to see an OU game before an LC game this season? Discuss away!

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